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- A Message from our Principal
- St Mary's Prays
- Class Mass Times Term 1, 2025
- Reconciliation Information 2025
- Around the school this week
- Happy Birthday
- NAPLAN - Year 3 and 5
- School Sport 2025
- School Cross Country 2025
- Staff Changes Week 6 - Term 1
- St Patrick's Day Celebrations 2025
- St Mary's Community Council 2025
- Qkr!
- Canteen News
- Community Notices
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to another busy week at St Mary’s. Last week I joined with other principals across our Archdiocese in Bowral. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the way forward after the departure of our previous executive director of Catholic Education Ross Fox. It was a pleasure to meet the new executive director of our Archdiocese Mr De Carvalho. Mr De Carvalho has put together a very impressive resume and I look forward to his leadership and support in the future.
This week Year 3 and Year 5 will begin the various NAPLAN tests. These will be conducted on Wednesday to Friday. Please be aware that these tests are only a point in time assessment and by no means tests all aspects of your child’s education.
Many thanks to those who attended the reconciliation information evening last week. If you registered for the Sacrament a compass event for the $25 payment will be created. Father Hiliary has requested that you prioritise Mass each week leading up to the Sacrament and the preparation lessons. We appreciate the difficulties this may cause as many may already have prior commitments. Please let me know if you are unable to attend. The first of the four weekly preparation lessons will be on Wednesday afternoon at 4pm in the Parish centre.
At 6pm this evening the executive of the Community Council will meet to discuss differing issues related to the improvement of our school and to hopefully appoint a new secretary. A big part of the Community Council is the operation of the school’s canteen. As outlined last week, we have decided to trial opening on Wednesdays. There will be a new and exciting menu. Casey Judd, our canteen manager is very excited and enthusiastic to make this extra day a success. We look forward to your support. Below is just a small selection of the yummy treats that are on offer!!!
Remember my door is always open.
Damian Collins
The focus this week at St Mary’s is Compassion. Compassion is a feeling of sympathy towards someone who is sad, suffering or less fortunate than us that prompts us to act. Acting out compassion means acting like Jesus would and helping practically (like sharing your snack) or simply showing kindness to someone in need.
2025 Jubilee Year Pilgrims of Hope
Pope Francis has declared 2025 a Jubilee Year for our Church, themed “Pilgrims of Hope”, a year of hope for a world suffering the impacts of war, the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the climate crisis. Each child at St Mary’s has been given a prayer card on the theme of Hope. Please take time at some stage this week to say this prayer as a family.
Term 1, 2025 Class and Whole School Mass Timetable
Date |
Class |
Week 7 Wednesday 19th March |
Year 5 & Year 1 @ 12pm. Parents and friends are more than welcome. |
Week 8 Wednesday 26th March |
Year 6 and Kinder Kind @ 12pm. Parents and friends are more than welcome. |
Week 10 Wednesday 9nd April |
Year 2, Year 3 & Year 4 @ 12pm. Parents and friends are more than welcome. |
There is no class Mass during Week 9 due to the Mid Western Primary Schools Rugby Union Gala Day.
St Patrick's Day
Next Monday, we will celebrate St Patrick’s Day. St Patrick is the Patron Saint of Ireland and is credited with bringing Christianity to the Irish. We will celebrate the day by wearing green to school.
Micah Shumba | Shay Taylor |
Halle Judd |
Mirabelle Pham | Landon Cloete |
Bodhi Fair |
Zoey Smith |
Reni Wendt | Louis Morton |
Adaline Stephens | Stella Murrells |
Rose Player |
William McDonell |

Kairo Sinclair & Mae Dean
who celebrate their birthdays during this week.
We hope you enjoy your special day.
- Wednesday 12th March - Writing and Reading
- Thursday 13th March - Language Convention
- Friday 14th March - Numeracy
On Wednesday we are doing 2 tests - Writing in the morning and Reading in the middle session. Any child who is away on the days above will be able to do the NAPLAN catch up in week 7.
Please ensure students know the importance of bringing their iPad to school fully charged on each day of the tests. If students would rather bring in their own headphones that is fine but they must work.
To make sure children are ready for these tests the best preparation for them is plenty of sleep and to remain calm.
Mid Western Primary School 10's Gala Day
The gala day will be held at West Wyalong's Rugby Union Grounds on Wednesday 2nd April 2025 (Week 9).
Thank you to Brent Morton, Will Dean, Sam Weir and Woody Maslin for giving up their time to train the students and coach them on the day.
A Compass event will be sent out later this week.
No transport is provided, parents must transport their own child.
Paul Kelly Cup 2025 - Wagga Wagga
The Paul Kelly Cup is the largest AFL primary school competition in New South Wales and the ACT and is open to students in Years 5 and 6. The Paul Kelly Cup consists of 12 player teams competing in round robin gala days. Games are played on a smaller field using modified rules.
Our Year 5/6 students are competing in Wagga on Friday 9th of May (Week 2, Term 2). We will field a boys team and a girls team in the non-competitive competition.
We would love to have coaches for the teams. If you know of anyone that would be willing to give up their time, please contact the school office or email
A Compass event will be sent out in the near future.
Canberra Goulburn Archdiocese Trials
If your Year 5/6 child has the ability to compete at a representative level in the following sports - Netball, Rugby League, Football (Soccer), Softball, Touch Football and Rugby Union - you are able to nominate them for the Archdiocesan trials.
Please note that the Archdicocesan representative sport trials are highly competitve and there is an expectation that children nominating for these trials have extensive experience in the sport and currently compete at a high level.
If you would like to nominate your child to trial for a sport please go to
Rugby League Trials are being held on the 31st March. Please get nominations in by the 18th. Girls Netball trials are being held on Thursday 27th March. Information is below.
Cross Country 2025
Our school Cross Country will be held on Friday 4th of April (Week 9).
Students in Years 2 to 6 will compete at the West Wyalong Showground from 9am.
Kinder and Year 1 will participate in cross country games on the school oval from 9am.
All students can wear house coloured shirts to school on Friday 4th April.
We are looking for parent volunteers at the showground. If you can help please call the school office.
Parents are welcome to attend.
A Compass event will be sent out later in the week.
Week 5
Date and Day |
Teacher on Leave or PD |
Class |
Relief |
Tuesday 11th March |
Mrs Harland |
n/a |
n/a |
Friday 14th March |
Mr Collins |
n/a |
n/a |
Mrs Iverach |
Year 3 Peace |
Mrs Harris |
Mrs Taylor |
Year 5 Hope |
Mrs Speedy |
The following events are in the calendar in the next few weeks.
The Compass Calendar is updated to show Mass times, sporting events, important events.
Day |
Event | Location |
Wednesday 12th - Monday 24th March |
At School | |
Monday 17th March |
At School | |
Wednesday 19th March |
St Mary's Church | |
Wednesday 26th March |
St Mary's Church | |
Wednesday 2nd April |
West Wyalong Rugby Union Grounds | |
Friday 4th April |
- Infants at School - Primary at Showgrounds |
Tuesday 8th April |
At St Anne's, Temora |
Wednesday 9th April |
St Mary's Church |
Wednesday 9th April |
St Mary's Church |
Thursday 10th April |
Friday 11th April |
St Mary's Community Council 2025
Community Council Secretary
The Secretary provides a key role in coordinating the activities of the Council and:
- a) prepares the agenda for each Council meeting in consultation with the Chair and Principal,
- b) circulates the agenda and any relevant meeting papers at least five days before scheduled Council meetings,
- c) records the minutes of the meeting and ensures that they are ready to be tabled for endorsement at the following Council meeting; and
- d) maintains a register and record of Council meetings, and Working Groups, including all applicable documentation and records such as minutes, agendas, and correspondence.