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- A Message from our Principal
- St Mary's Prays
- World Day of Prayer 2025
- Shrove Tuesday
- Reconciliation Information/Enrolment Afternoon
- Around the school this week
- Happy Birthday
- School Sport 2025
- St Mary's Says...
- School Fees 2025
- St Mary's Community Council 2025
- Life Education Visiting our School 2025
- Staff Changes Week 5 - Term 1
- St Patrick's Day Celebrations 2025
- Outstanding Notes
- Compass - Parent Portal
- Canteen News
- Community Notices
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to Week 5. Another busy week at St Mary’s with all classes enjoying their annual visit with Healthy Harold. It is hard to believe we’re almost halfway through the term.
On Tuesday evening the Community Council met for their Annual General Meeting. I would like to welcome Fiona Hague to the position of Community Council Chair. She has made a tremendous start to her role as the face of the school community and I look forward to working closely with her. With Fiona taking up this position we are unfortunately left without a secretary. If you are interested in this role please let me know. The description of this role is attached to this newsletter. We also said farewell from the community council to Sarah Curry as the fund-raising lead. I thank her for her hard work, focus on the best interest of the students and co-ordinating our Spring Fair and Colour Run.
As you would be aware, school fee statements were sent out last week. There has been a slight increase across the entire Archdiocese from 2024. I’d like you to be aware that these increases have directly benefited the school and have been used for such projects as the new basketball backboards, new drinking fountain, front door, playground car, new sports equipment, recorders, media wall and the Year 2 laptops (that are yet to arrive). The breakdown of the school fees is attached to this newsletter. Please be advised you can pay these via BPay weekly, fortnightly or termly. Please see the front office for further enquiries.
After discussions at the Community Council meeting we have decided to trial opening the canteen on a Wednesday. There will be a new and exciting menu for Wednesdays. This will be communicated with you. Its continued operation will be dependant on the support it receives.
A reminder to those using the church carpark. Please remember to enter the carpark from the lane on Court Street and to exit via church street. Please also remember that you need to collect your child from inside the school grounds. Students cannot wait to be picked up in the carpark as this is a safety issue.
Remember my door is always open.
Damian Collins
World Day of Prayer 2025
Cook Islands
‘I made you wonderful’
St Mary’s Parish will hold World Prayer Day in the church on Friday 7th March at 10am. St Mary’s students will be singing all of the music for this wonderful prayer event. All families are invited to attend.
Shrove Tuesday 2025
Shrove Tuesday falls on the Tuesday before the beginning of Lent – a period of around six weeks leading up to Easter.
During Lent, we give up luxuries to remember when Jesus went into the desert for 40 days to fast and pray.
The staff and students enjoyed pancakes for recess today.

A massive Thank You to the staff that supplied the pancakes!
Reconciliation Information/Enrolment Afternoon
We will hold our first Reconciliation enrolment information afternoon on Thursday the 6th of March at 5pm in the Church. This is for all Year 3 and 4 students or any child who wishes to make their first Reconciliation. If you are unable to attend but would still like to receive the Sacrament please contact the front office.
Ted Iverach | Audrey Redden |
Olivia Brose |
Molly Green | Isabelle McDonell |
Max Brose |
Charlie Gregor | Charlie Hague |
Zoe Otaegui |
Abigail Sturgess |
Adalia Chantrill |

Halle Judd
who celebrates her birthday during this week.
We hope you enjoy your special day.
Mid Western Primary School 10's Gala Day
The gala day will be held at West Wyalong's Rugby Union Grounds on Wednesday 2nd April 2025.
A Compass event will be sent out for this.
We will be needing team coaches/Managers for the day for the teams. If any parents would like to volunteer their time it would be much appreciated.
No transport is provided, parents must transport their own child.
Canberra Goulburn Archdiocese Trials
If your Year 5/6 child has the ability to compete at a representative level in the following sports - Netball, Rugby League, Football (Soccer), Softball, Touch Football and Rugby Union - you are able to nominate them for the Archdiocesan trials.
Please note that the Archdicocesan representative sport trials are highly competitve and there is an expectation that children nominating for these trials have extensive experience in the sport and currently compete at a high level.
If you would like to nominate your child to trial for a sport please go to
Rugby League Trials are being held on the 31st March. Please get nominations in by the 18th. Information is below.
Thank you to Evolution Mining for the generous donation of the book 'Mummy Is A Miner' by A. Dittmann, in support of the Internation Women's Day 2025. Our Kinder Kind students love it!
St Mary's Community Council 2025
Community Council Secretary
The Secretary provides a key role in coordinating the activities of the Council and:
- a) prepares the agenda for each Council meeting in consultation with the Chair and Principal,
- b) circulates the agenda and any relevant meeting papers at least five days before scheduled Council meetings,
- c) records the minutes of the meeting and ensures that they are ready to be tabled for endorsement at the following Council meeting; and
- d) maintains a register and record of Council meetings, and Working Groups, including all applicable documentation and records such as minutes, agendas, and correspondence.
Life Education Visiting our School 2025
The Life Education Van will be visiting St Mary’s School Monday 3rd, Tuesday 4th & Wednesday 5th March.
It is expected that all students participate in this program as the content is linked to the school curriculum.
The programs that the students will be attending are as follows:
Monday 3rd March
Kinder Kind - My Body Matters
Year 6 Faith - Relate Respect Connect
Tuesday 4th March
Year 1 Joy - Harold's Online World
Year 2 Mercy - Harold's Online World
Year 5 Hope - Relate Respect Connect
Wednesday 5th March
Year 3 - Friends & Feelings
Year 4- Friends & Feelings
The cost per child is $13 and this should be paid via Compass.
Week 5
Date and Day |
Teacher on Leave or PD |
Class |
Relief |
Tuesday 4th - Friday 7th March |
Mr Collins |
n/a |
n/a |
Tuesday 4th March |
Mrs Turner |
Kinder Kind |
Mrs Reichstein |
The following events are in the calendar in the next few weeks.
The Compass Calendar is updated to show Mass times, sporting events, important events.
Day |
Event | Location |
Monday 3rd - Wednesday 5th March |
At School | |
Wednesday 5th March |
St Mary's Church | |
Friday 7th March |
St Mary's Church | |
Wednesday 12th - Monday 24th March |
At School | |
Wednesday 2nd April |
West Wyalong Rugby Union Grounds | |
Friday 4th April |
- Infants at School - Primary at Showgrounds |
Tuesday 8th April |
At St Anne's, Temora |
Thursday 10th April |
Friday 11th April |
Medical Form (Cream) - All Years - Please complete and return the form to the school office. A new form is required for each student every year. If you indicate your child has asthma, even if seasonal, an action plan from your doctor is required to be held at the school office along with a puffer and spacer labelled with your child's name.
The Compass Home Screen
The home screen provides you with relevant alerts and news, as well as quick access to your child’s profile.
School Calendar
The tools you need to keep track of your students journey through the school gate each day
Your Children
Provides you with a quick summary of available options and highlights a summary of upcoming and overdue tasks.
To access more information click on the relevant quick link or select Profile to access detailed information about your child.
Main Menu
Allows you to access other Compass and school resources. The Tools icon allows you to update your contact details and change your password.
Recent school news items and information relevant to you. This may include newsletters, details of upcoming events.
Custom notifications for items that require your action or attention. These may include excursion notifications, ordering options for school photos, absence notifications, survey, and student report availability.